Health and Love Tao,
where you can find healthy foods to Enhance Your Health For Better Sexual Orgasm.

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Pure Herbal Mixtures

1. Verdina (Item 1-008) -
Herbal Components: Ginkgo biloba, Horney Goat Weed, He Sho Wu (Ho Sho Wu, also known as Fo-ti), St. John's Wort, Schisandra, Chinese Knotweed, Astragalus, Lycium, Bupleurum.
Therapeuptic effects: Enhancing spiritual vitality, improving blood circulation and brain chemistry, proventing your brain and nerve cells from degeneration.

2. Energia (Item 1-009 or 1-010) New Herbal Components - (available after Sept 26, 2006): Schisandra, Epimedium, Eurycoma Longifolia, Cnidium Monnie, St John’s Wort, and Griffonia Simplicifolia Seed, with B-2(0.5 mg),B-6 (0.5 mg) and B-12 (3.3 mcg)
Therapeuptic effects: Improving sexual vitality and drive for men and women, mostening the vagina and darkening the hair.

3.  Fibra (Item 1-012 or Item 1-013)  (no for those who have cardio and high-blood pressure conditions)-
Herbal Components - (New formula, available after Oct. 11, 26, 2006): Yohimbe, Schisandra, Epimedium, Eurycoma Longifolia, Cnidium Monnie, St John’s Wort, and Griffonia Simplicifolia Seed, with B-2(0.5 mg),B-6 (0.5 mg) and B-12 (3.3 mcg) 
NOTE: Yohimbe may be marked out on the label for international shipping.

Therapeuptic effects: Increasing Kidney Chi, and boosting sexual energy and potential
Other herbs to enhance its effects:
Orange Juice, PeniSOS, ViaGrowth, Ginseng, ArgiNOx, 5-HTP, PinealTonin, B-5, B-6,B-12, C and E.
How to Order These Items 1-008/1-013(click here).

Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE!
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This article has been provided by The Lin Institute, 6/6/1998, revised 6/23/1999
Copyright (C) 1998 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.
