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Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
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Case Study - >Procedures of Sexual ChiKong Intercourse for better sexual orgasm and multiple orgasms.(unedited)

Reader 1: 8/2/1998>
Dr Lin, I am having problems making my girlfriend climax, we've been together a year now and although she's always saying I'm going to make her cum, she never does. I've tried everything, even trying to find her G-spot which has been unsuccessful. I am her first sexual partner and I would dearly love to be the first man to climax her. Please help
Dr. Lin: 8/2/1998>
For generating sexual orgasm, the penis, clitoris and G-spot must be powered up to the extreme as shown in http://www.actiontao.com/image/lovetool.jpg . My general advices are given in
Please read it first.

The average time for her first orgasm is about 20-40 minutes in a routine intercourse. In some situations when she is very relaxed, excited and horny, she can get it in 1-5 minutes by skipping Processures 1-3 as described in the following. (Note: My wife experienced these quick orgasms in our summder trip to NY/Delaware in July 1-9 of 1998, when we had sex in the motels' bathrooms and in our mini van parking in a Walmat parking lot in Delaware.) Under this situation, use Procedure 4 to make her come as long as your penis is hard enough!

Lovemaking Procedures:
1. Warm her up for lubrication for 5-10 minutes => Massage, licking, soft sucking, eroric kisses, erotic talks, or watching movie; Thes best method is "licking her clitoris and massaging her G-spot at the same time".

2. Expand her vagina by Soft-Drive Positions for 5-15 minutes => Slow and shallow strokes, no pressure on her G-spot, or srewing with erotic kissses; The most effective method is "using the srewing technique while kissing."
You must use slow motion to prevent her intercourse pain because her vagina is NOT ready for heavy strokes. When her vagina is fully expanded, she will feel itchy inside and get sexual pleasure with your heavy strokes.

3. Expand your penis By Hard-Drive Positions for 5-10 minutes => High-speed and high-pressure stimulation with long-strokes and double-body motions; extracting her sexual energy to power up the penis to an extreme by ballooning effect.
For holding longer - Sexual ChiKong breathng and intercourse, please read
for ballooning the penis, please read
To channelling sexual energy for 3-hour love making, please read

4. Make her come by the 3-Point Excitation Method in 1-5 minutes =>
To understand the wave theory of sexual orgasm, please read

5. Take 3-5 Minute Break for Erotic Kisses with keeping your penis inside her.
6. Re-Excite Her with any poistions you want for 3-10 minutes.
7. Make her come again with your favorite position for your own mutiple orgasms (You come with her second multiple orgasms this time) =>

8. Circulate you and her sexual energies with erotic kisses with your penis inside her =>
You must retrieve the sexual hormones from your and her ejaculations through your penile skin. The sexual hormone can help you to restore your sexual potential quickly and recharge your nervous system through the blood circulation system.

9. After 3-5 minutes, withraw your penis when your penis still have 70% erection - Withraw alive with honor!

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Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE!
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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.